Field School News and Events

Beautiful Bugs Workshop

In this fun and educational practical workshop you will use our sweep nets to hunt for bugs, learn all about insect life and how to identify them and learn how to look after insects in your own garden.

Field School News and Events

Fantastic Food Workshops

Fantastic Food workshop advert
Fantastic Food Workshop

In this fun and educational practical workshop you will learn how we grow veg, prepare a tasty dish with the veg you have harvested and take home some plants to grow on in your own space.

News and Events

Cyanotype Art Workshop

With artist Giles Whitehead, learn the techniques of cyanotype printing including composition, exposure and washing out to create stunning Prussian blue artwork to take home.

News and Events

Communigrow Charity Quiz Night

A fantastic evening of trivia and games, supporting our sustainable food education charity.

Field School News and Events

Communigrow Tots

Toddler friendly nature-based activities – learning through play, stories, songs, crafts and experience. Book a block of 6 sessions via our shop or pay £3 per child on the day.

News and Events

Gardening to feel great

Would you like to meet people, learn something new, be more active, get in touch with nature and improve your wellbeing?


Meet the team – Richard – November 2022

Richard King

An interview with Richard King, one of our hard-working volunteers and a true Communigrow’s ambassador.

“I also wanted to be part of something that was part of growing organically and healthily and doing that for the community but also something I could learn about as well at the same time”

November 2022

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Meet the team - Richard


Meet the team – Heather – July 2022

Heather Cornally

An interview with Heather Cornally, community gardener at Communigrow.

“This role blends together everything that I’ve been doing in my career, even in terms of having lovely groups of people to work with, so it’s as if I’m meant to be here.”

July 2022

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Meet the team - Heather


Meet the team – Clair – April 2022

Clair Evans

An interview with Clair Evans, a grower at Communigrow

“At home you only grow what you eat really. There’s no point growing things you don’t eat. Whereas here, we grow everything we can. It’s like a community allotment.”

March 2022

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Meet the team Clair


Meet the team – David J – March 2022

David J

Meet the team – An interview with David Jeffrey, Horticultural Leader at Communigrow

‘It doesn’t matter what experience you have, you may not have any experience in gardening, but you can still learn and you can still teach others, because you may have a skill that comes in that they haven’t thought of.”

April 2022

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Meet the team - David J