By sponsoring a raised bed for a year from as little as £100 you can help us continue the work we do for the community. Price includes a sign with your company logo or name to be displayed at Communigrow and, with permission, we would love to celebrate your donation on our social media pages.
Make a difference
Communigrow is a sustainable food education charity in East Malling. We teach people how to grow chemical free food, using the therapeutic benefits of gardening to bring about positive change to physical and mental wellbeing.
Our beneficiaries include children and young people with special education needs, local schools, people from under-resourced communities, young carers, vulnerable adults, older adults experiencing social isolation, people recently bereaved and those with health conditions.

Help us transform lives
Getting outside in our supportive beautiful space has transformative effects on the lives of our beneficiaries.
Children like Daniel* who attends our Field School and has ASD, ADHD, dyspraxia, hypermobility and verbal tics thrive in our relaxed and inclusive sessions. Daniel’s mum reports:
“We have seen multiple benefits since attending these Communigrow sessions. Daniel’s sense of wellbeing and belonging have dramatically improved. On arriving at Communigrow he said,‘Mum, this is my place.’ Socially he would never instigate a conversation but he will talk to other children during sessions. He told me that he had made a friend – he has never made a friend before.”

For older adults and those with health conditions we can be a life line. Like Estelle*, who suffered a pulmonary embolism and had to give up her gardening business. This led to a feeling of social isolation and really impacted her mental health.
Estelle says, “Coming to the wellbeing group – Gardening to Feel Great – saved my life. I met people of a similar age and formed new friendships. Being outside, gardening again alongside other people helped me get my mojo back!”

*names have been changed