
Flower (fiddleneck) with bee

Communigrow provides space to learn about sustainable food growing. What that means is changing a little over time, as man-made climate change impacts the environment around us.

Right now we use chemical free methods (so no pesticides, herbicides, or extractive fertilisers) the no dig method and companion planting for our beds, and have completed a decarbonisation initiative – all our power tools are battery powered and charge via solar power. Our toilets are compostable, we harvest rainwater and our office, volunteer cabin and all our cooking runs on solar.

Zero emissions and beyond

Communigrow were grateful participants in the Low Carbon Kent, Growing Green pilot. With support and funding from this programme we have made huge progress towards our net zero goal. We have now been selected for Green Business Grant funding from TMBC to further reduce our carbon footprint with the purchase of more solar panels.

It’s not just about lowering our own emissions. We are currently training to become a Carbon Literate Organisation thanks to the Carbon Literacy Project, and are excited to start delivering climate education to our community.

Solar panels on cabin

We are also experimenting with lots of different on-site sustainability strategies and improvements. Rainwater capture, dead-hedging for windbreaks and increased wildlife habitat, a brand new commercial capacity hot aerobic composter thanks to our partners at NIAB, and a new growing scheme incorporating drought-resistant crops.

We were proud to achieve the Wilder Kent Gold Award in 2024 for our positive actions to create a more climate-resilient county and provide a home for wildlife.