Join us a for a fun-packed bingo night: Saturday 22nd March 6-8.30pm


We work independently and with partner agencies to support a diverse range of beneficiaries. 

Our sessions have a holistic impact on participants due to our focus on physical activity and mental wellbeing, as well as healthy food growing skills.

children, young people & families

Our Field School supports children and young people from mainstream and SEN schools and young learners who are not attending mainstream education. We also provide sessions for young people with specific needs such as young carers. Our outreach programme works with Children’s Centres and groups in priority communities. We also host visits from organisations such as Rainbows, Cubs and Duke of Edinburgh participants.

Herbs in pots
referrals & social Provision

Our Gardening Team works with social housing providers creating new food growing spaces in the wider community. We provide opportunities to other support providers eg. KRAN, Sahara Foundation and Imago. We accept direct Green Therapy referrals from the NHS and other referral pathways.

wellbeing & community

Our wellbeing and open volunteering sessions are there for adults looking for opportunities to learn, share, be more sustainable and give back to the community. We have Gardening to Feel Great sessions for people aged over 55, people with long-term physical and mental health conditions or people facing social isolation – book now on eventbrite.

“Communigrow is so good for my husband’s mental health. The team makes such a huge difference when times are difficult.”

Volunteer and Wellbeing Group member